Saturday, January 26, 2013

"Bel13ve in Magic"

Hi all,

Well the New Year has well and truly come. Magic Kingdom has New Year Fireworks "Fantasy in the Sky" both the 30th & 31st, even though I was working both nights, I managed to get a glimpse the Display. 
The first night it was just magical, I was bumped out so I just stood in the courtyard and watched the magnificent 360 degree display, I was literally turning around on the spot in awe!

The second night I got pulled to Wishes, and so although I did still get to see it, it was a little intense because Fantasyland was completely FULL and Main Street was so full they had closed down the bridges and were not letting anyone in, meaning people were yelling at us for a way out.

It was still rather magical though, and I am glad I can always say that in 2012 I watched the NYE Fireworks for Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom.

Shortly after the New Year though came lots of Goodbyes. Many Americans left on January 2, but January 4 was when the Australia/NZ contingent left and it still hasn't felt the same. After we said our goodbyes to our good friends, who some were headed on adventures before the trek back home, we had to split up our apartment. 

I moved over to Chatham Square and became roommates with a friend from Australia, Morgan. We also got an American Roommate that night and when the new Aus/NZ contingent started on January 9th, we welcomed a NZ citizen into our home.

I started training at Magic Kingdom for my big transfer into Merchandise on Jan 8th. Unfortunately I get really sick and so after seeing two stores I left work and had my whole schedule rearranged. The next day was Merchantainment class though at Disney University at 8am with Morgan and Ellen. This class is called Merchantainment as it is Merchandise & Entertainment together. 

On a side note I find this to be really true about Merchandise, well really it depends where you work to be honest but in Fantasyland it is really about keepng the Guests Entertained and talking and turning there day around, because a lot of other Cast members in Attractions & Food & Beverage don't really have the time like we do to talk to the Guests and really get to know them. 

Class was all about the basics on how to use the registers

After class Ellen and I went into Magic Kingdom and rode the Tea Cups and the People Mover (my first time!) and brought a few things before we headed home. 

As my schedule was rearranged I had my First day of On the Job Training again, but as I had already knew the land, we didn't really do much. On the Second day I got to finally start using the registers. Day Three was using the registers again and as I had completed all of my online e-learning I also took my assessment and passed :)

All ICP's are then scheduled for an extra 4 hours of training which is pretty much just making sure we understood everything and are comfortable with the money. After that I was put into rotation, probably for like 1 1/2 hours, in which I pulled Fantasy Faire (of course haha right at my old location), but I don't really count this as my first shift alone.

Fantasyland Merchadise is split into Three areas, Zone One (Castle Couture, Sir Mickey's & Fantasy Faire) Zone Two (Enchanted Grove Cart, Winnie the Pooh Store & Seven Dwarf's Mine) and then Bonjour. As the Bonjour Store has a completely different costume to the rest of the other stores it has been be completely separate.

The First real day after Training I started work in Zone 2 and the first thing I pulled was the Cart all by myself! hahah I actually enjoyed the freedom the Cart brings, but I after a week working Zone 2 I am really over Winnie the Pooh, so I already prefer to work in Zone 1.

This week coming up I am working Zone 1 all week and a shift for Bonjour in there, quite excited. And because I was feeling trapped n Fantasyland last week I picked up a shift at MouseGear at EPCOT and this week I got to work at World of Disney at Downtown Disney. I really did like working at the busiest stores in there respective parks, but Fantasyland will always hold a special place in my heart.

Today has been Australia Day in the US, A friend from back home has been on holidays here with her family and  was with them in the parks until I called it a night and headed home to Ice cream and a movie, you see I am a very big Party Animal =p

Sorry there isn't any Pictures, Maybe I will update it soon with some :)

Until Next Time,
Natalie :)